PowerProv led group activities for an audience of over 1300 at the Empowering Women Summit put on by the Victorian Government.
Stop Paying the Productivity Tax
The results are in, and while working in your pyjamas has it’s perks, for businesses the bottom line is productivity is down. Way down.
PowerProv Remote Training at UTS: Online Training For Teams
Hear what a few of the 40 participants in our University of Technology online workshop have to say about their experience and why they were excited to leave their webcams on.
Team Re-Building After Covid-19
We’ve gotten so used to working in our pyjamas that going back to the office may feel a bit uncomfortable. PowerProv can help get things back to better than normal.
PowerProv Joins the University of Sydney MBA Program
PowerProv has worked with several universities, but this new program at the University of Sydney MBA program was special and unique in its focus on creativity and innovation.