Vulnerability makes you strong, not weak. When we show vulnerability with confidence we share ourselves without hesitation and accept ourselves and ideally, others, fully.
One Word Suggestion
One Word Suggestion Podcast: Honesty
Honesty is more than just not being a liar, it’s about operating with integrity and being truthful to yourself, to your peers, and to the world.
One Word Suggestion Podcast: Dolphins
Despite the ever-increasing number of threats to their existence like plastics, petroleum, JetSkis, ghost nets, and hungry sharks, they continually play to the top of their intelligence.
One Word Suggestion Podcast: Candy
One thing is for sure, just as there are endless types of candy, there are also endless types of people who love it. And love it differently.
One Word Suggestion Podcast: Feelings
The way you react to people, situations and events will tell you much about your values, and examining, rather than avoiding them is a worthwhile pursuit.