Video Transcript

Five common questions about improv.

Hey, I’m Carolyn from PowerProv, and I’m with Eran. I’m going to ask Eran a few questions that you may have.

So, starting with, who is PowerProv for?

I mean, the easy answer is PowerProv is for everyone, right? But I think, in reality, we’ve done a tremendous amount of work to build a curriculum loaded with Behavioral Science, procedural knowledge, cognitive learning, tailor-made for people who aspire to perform more in life and at work than on a comedy stage, for example. So, there’s a lot of places you can go take an improv class, but what we do best is really help working professionals play to the top of their intelligence and really connect with themselves and with each other so that they can function more efficiently, more effectively, more joyfully. Yeah, great.

And what makes PowerProv different than a comedy school or an improv theater?

Yes, so I think, unlike a comedy school or an improv theater where the focus is on performance and comedy, and your teachers are going to be Comedians and actors, the curriculum we’ve got has been really designed, like I said before, to help people with more of a business mindset succeed at work. And so, because of that, you know, the way that we frame our exercises is completely different, the way that we help people understand the value of those exercises and the takeaways from them is really, really completely different than and the kind of outcomes you’d get from a comedy school. And it makes perfect sense because we’re not here to teach you to be funny, right?

We’re here to teach you to be the best version of you whether that’s on your own or as part of a team or both. And so, I think, you know, there’s nothing wrong with improv comedy, that’s how I fell into this work, that’s how you fell into this work, right? However, it’s just a completely different way of using the same fundamental tools and philosophies and applying them in a different context. And so, that’s where the secret sauce is for us, right?

The ROI on your training budget is the perfect balance of fun and playful with tangible results that you’re going to see in yourself and your team.

And what are the biggest misconceptions about improv?

Oh, wow, the biggest misconceptions about improv. I mean, the first one probably is that you have to be funny to do it, right? We got a whole another video about the fact that you don’t have to be funny to do improv. But the reality is that all of us are improvising all the time. We just don’t label it that way. And so, once you kind of reframe thinking on your feet or being spontaneous or trusting your gut or leaning into intuition and Instinct all those things are the kinds of things that we all do.

We just don’t label it as improvisation, but that’s kind of what it is. So what we do at PowerProv is we just take that stuff that you’re probably already doing innately and reframe it, give you tools to do what you’re doing already better, and then also add new skills and new kind of components that you can chuck in your toolbox to draw on to really find success in work and in life.

What do you think the biggest fear that most participants have?

The biggest fear most participants have, at least at the beginning of every Workshop, is probably that they think they’re going to have to be funny. And then after that, it’s that they’re going to look stupid, right? And so, part of the way that we deal with that and navigate that is by creating a very safe space very, very quickly, right?

And one of the most important pieces of that puzzle is helping them understand how to build and create for themselves an ensemble mindset within the team within the group. And that’s really kind of just helping them understand how to support each other, make each other look good, have each other’s backs. And once that kind of foundation is laid, anything you put on top of it is strong and stable. And I think that’s so, I think that helps kind of alleviate those fears and anxieties and gets people feeling really comfortable and confident really quickly. Yeah, agree, totally agree.

And what do you think the biggest fear most people who book us for the first time have?

Yeah, the biggest fear people who book PowerProv for the first time have is it depends how they’ve heard about us, right? I think so much of how we get businesses through referrals, and so trusted referrals are often, you know, come with a different kind of set of anxiety than people who feel like they maybe found us on the internet and are taking a punt on something they’ve never done before.

I applaud both decisions, but I think, you know, the anxiety there is we’ve never worked with this provider, how can we trust that they know what they’re doing, how do we know that we’re getting value for money? You know, we’ve hired a lot of hacks before, you know, my team doesn’t want to do another boring team-building day. But you know, I think when you’re looking at your options in terms of team building, you know, you can go to the pub and get pissed and, you know, inevitably somebody’s going to get groped, and that’s going to create problems.

Maybe you go axe throwing or something like that, and those things are fun, right? But you’re not really endowing your team with any additional skill sets or tools that make your business more valuable, right? So, this is I think the fundamental difference between PowerProv and any other provider out there is that not only are we giving your individual team members new skills for life, but we’re giving them skills for life that they will use in your business.

And that makes your business more efficient, more effective, and more profitable, right?

And so, I think, you know, once people train with us once they get it they see that and then we’re back in the room and, you know, I think, you know, they never feel that way again, we are always hired the second time with lots of confidence.

Yeah, well, thanks Eran.

All right, any other questions hit us up on the website, we’d be glad to chat with you and see how we could collaborate.

Transform Your Team Into an Awesome Ensemble.

Our improv workshops help business teams operate more effectively, efficiently, and joyfully.

🔓 Unlock the power of “yes, and…”
🤝 Connect, communicate and collaborate at a deeper level.
🛼 Develop more confidence, resilience and agility.

✈️ Flying Solo? Check out our 6-week improv classes for business professionals.


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Kamal S. Management Consultant

“I was nervous beforehand, but everyone was pleasantly surprised. Don't be scared, give it a go.”

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Sarah S. Senior Manager

“We learned to accept and embrace failure and to be receptive, and adaptive to when problems arise.”

PowerProv - Improv for Business Classes, Workshops - Fun Team Building Ideas, Best Staff Training, for Leadership, Learning and Development, Human Resources HR, and People and Culture
Jeremie S. Research Analyst

“The perfect type of session to run post-COVID. I can't think of a better way to bring a team back together.”

PowerProv review, Bain & Co
Ryan C. Senior Manager

“Loved the tools for innovation and idea generation. High energy, playful and fun.”

PowerProv - Improv for Business Classes, Workshops - Fun Team Building Ideas, Best Staff Training, for Leadership, Learning and Development, Human Resources HR, and People and Culture
Cassie H. Innovation Specialist

“I loved seeing my team go outside their comfort zone and get more closely connected and confident.”

PowerProv - Improv for Business Classes, Workshops - Fun Team Building Ideas, Best Staff Training, for Leadership, Learning and Development, Human Resources HR, and People and Culture
Jayne O. Digital Marketing

“Well suited to any organization that wants to help their teams connect more, improve focus, active listening and have fun.”

PowerProv - Improv for Business Classes, Workshops - Fun Team Building Ideas, Best Staff Training, for Leadership, Learning and Development, Human Resources HR, and People and Culture
Katrina M. People and Culture

“So much to take away and apply at work. Facilitators were awesome and time flew by. Highly recommended.”

PowerProv - Improv for Business Classes, Workshops - Fun Team Building Ideas, Best Staff Training, for Leadership, Learning and Development, Human Resources HR, and People and Culture
Tim H. Chief Marketing Officer

“It was great to learn to be open and flexible and build on other people's ideas without giving up my own.”

PowerProv - Improv for Business Classes, Workshops - Fun Team Building Ideas, Best Staff Training, for Leadership, Learning and Development, Human Resources HR, and People and Culture
Tim B. Creative Director

“The skills you learn are vital for everyone and anyone. We want to do this on a regular basis!”

PowerProv - Improv for Business Classes, Workshops - Fun Team Building Ideas, Best Staff Training, for Leadership, Learning and Development, Human Resources HR, and People and Culture
Amy N. CEO

“Exceptional professional development and everyone walked away inspired, enthused and enlightened.”

Siobhan M. LEAD Project Officer

“We received awesome verbal feedback on your workshops and an incredible 85% satisfaction rate!”

Sheyda K. Internal Events Officer

“The debrief drinks afterwards were so wonderfully positive and the learnings will serve us well for a long time to come.”

Jonathan G. Director of Development

“The evaluation scores for our PowerProv event received 4.0 out of 5. Congrats! One of the highest scores we've ever had.”

Anna G
Anna G. CEO

“So much fun! Not your-run-of-the-mill team offsite. A wonderful way to get to know the team IRL.”

Melanie O. Accessibility Leader

“Genuinely uplifting and insightful. Absolutely no ‘acting out’ required. 100% suitable for introverts. Corporate training budget extremely well spent.”

Dave W. CX/UX Content Designer

“High energy, totally absorbing and a super-fun way to get us even better connected.”

Gillian R. Content Strategist

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No trust falls. No Powerpoint. No jacket required. We use procedural knowledge and contextualised exercises to bring teams together and give them the soft skills to succeed.

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Eliminate that “Sunday night feeling.” Transform your team with an experience that will make an instant impact and turn your workplace into a hub of innovation and creativity.

Seriously good for business

Our unique program design uses behavioural science and cognitive psychology to give your team the tools they need to get things done better, faster and happier.